Function within aoColumns

Function within aoColumns

gusadolfogusadolfo Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited November 2013 in DataTables 1.9
Hi I was wondering if it was possible to create a function() inside an aoColumns, because the object I receive through Ajax is different as the one needed for the DataTables, but I also use that same object for a plotting function.

This is an example of the object I receive:

}}}} [/code]

is a much larger than that, but I was wondering if it's possible to create a function(), using mootools, to get the object.key for the sTitle and the object.value for the mData in:

[code]"aoColumns": [{ "sTitle": Object.key , "mData": Object.value , "sClass": "center" },][/code]

I need this because the object I'll receive can and will change a lot. If anyone has a solution for this issue I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks in advanced for any possible help!!


  • allanallan Posts: 64,128Questions: 1Answers: 10,580 Site admin
    Are ou looking to transform the object you receive by Ajax into something DataTables can use? If so, then fnServerData is the way to go.

  • gusadolfogusadolfo Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited November 2013
    Hi!! thx for the reply!! I tried this:

    [code]var cc = Object.keys(data.ListaCentrosCostos)[0];
    var r = data.ListaCentrosCostos[cc];
    var aaData = [];
    Object.each(r, function (val, nVal) {
    var fila = {};
    fila["Atributo"] = val["Atributo"]["Tipo"];
    Object.erase(val, "Atributo");
    Object.each(val, function (tipoAtn, tipoAtnN) {
    fila["TipodeAtencion"] =tipoAtnN;
    fila["Siniestrados"] = tipoAtn["Siniestrados"];
    fila["PorcentajeSiniestros"] = tipoAtn["PorcentajeSiniestros"];
    fila["MontoSiniestro"] = tipoAtn["MontoSiniestro"];
    fila["PorcentajeMonto"] = tipoAtn["PorcentajeMonto"];

    "aoColumns": [
    { "sTitle": "Atributo" },
    { "sTitle": "TipodeAtencion" },
    { "sTitle": "Siniestrados" },
    { "sTitle": "PorcentajeSiniestros" },
    { "sTitle": "MontoSiniestro" },
    { "sTitle": "PorcentajeMonto" }
    "aaData": aaData


    but my object arrives like this:(from the chrome debugger doing a console.log(aaData))

    [Object, Object, Object, $family: function, $constructor: function, each: function, clone: function, clean: function…]
    0: Object
    Atributo: "LOCALIDAD"
    MontoSiniestro: "1993625.00"
    PorcentajeMonto: "3.50"
    PorcentajeSiniestros: "3.08"
    Siniestrados: "26"
    TipodeAtencion: "REEMBOLSO"

    and the aaData still doesn't load it and i get this error: "DataTables warning (table id='tabla-reporte'):Requested unknown parameter '0' from the data source row 0"
  • gusadolfogusadolfo Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Done!! I forgot to add the mData to the aoColumns, like this:

    "aoColumns": [
    { "sTitle": "Atributo", "mData": "Atributo" },
    { "sTitle": "Tipo de Atención", "mData": "TipodeAtencion" },
    { "sTitle": "Siniestrados", "mData": "Siniestrados" },
    { "sTitle": "% Siniestros", "mData": "PorcentajeSiniestros" },
    { "sTitle": "Monto del Siniestro", "mData": "MontoSiniestro" },
    { "sTitle": "% Monto", "mData": "PorcentajeMonto" }

    that fixed the issue
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