Change Columns header movement effect on ipad
Change Columns header movement effect on ipad

Is it possible to change columns header effect movement on ipad ?
My datatable have more columns than is displayable on screen, so i have a scroll on y axes.
When i scroll on right, there is a not terrible small animation to forward columns.
I would like to change this animation.
Is there a callback to override the default animation ?
Wath's the best practice ?
My datatable have more columns than is displayable on screen, so i have a scroll on y axes.
When i scroll on right, there is a not terrible small animation to forward columns.
I would like to change this animation.
Is there a callback to override the default animation ?
Wath's the best practice ?
This discussion has been closed.
If you run it on ipad and move datatable content from left to right, you can see the header columns content move in the same time. When datatable content animation end, the header columns move another once to his final position.
It's seems the columns header position is recalculated at the end of the data content animation.
It seems the columns header alignement take effect after the end of the data animation.
How is doing animation ?
/* When the body is scrolled, then we also want to scroll the headers */
$(nScrollBody).scroll( function (e) {
nScrollHead.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft;
if ( nTfoot !== null )
nScrollFoot.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft;
} );
On ipad, if scroll is too fast, scroll event is triggered only at the end of the scroll.
I don't know how to correct it ?
//$(nScrollBody).scroll( function (e) {
$(nScrollBody).on("scroll touchmove", function (e) {
Is it possible to change it on futur version ?
There is now no problem during the finger move on ipad.
However, the problem is still there when you swipe and release your finger and the scroll still in progress for a while.
Someone have a solution ?