Datatables are not working fine with meteorjs
Datatables are not working fine with meteorjs

As meteorjs is reactive so after each Insert, Update and delete operation it sends data back to update the DOM, but it has verious Issues with datatables. datatables prevents it to update the dom correctly. Is there anyway that datatables can be updated correctly with meteorjs?????
After each operation it generate an exception
Exception from Deps afterFlush function: Template.questions.rendered@http://localhost:3000/client/quizquestion/questions.js?8849da8b34972fd2b09ce3e85cfbb8f8bbda5f63:68
Regarding this i have posted a same question on stackoverflow also.
After each operation it generate an exception
Exception from Deps afterFlush function: Template.questions.rendered@http://localhost:3000/client/quizquestion/questions.js?8849da8b34972fd2b09ce3e85cfbb8f8bbda5f63:68
Regarding this i have posted a same question on stackoverflow also.
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