a.aoColumns[c] is undefined
a.aoColumns[c] is undefined

Hi ,
I have refereed other post related to same error but not able to resolve my error, not sure if missing something minor.
Below is my HTML:
init : function(cfg) {
var id = "#" + cfg.id;
oTable = $(id).dataTable({
"bJQueryUI" : true,
aLengthMenu : aLengthMenu,
"oLanguage" : {
"sLengthMenu" : cfg.showMenu,
"sSearch" : cfg.showFilter,
"sInfoEmpty" : cfg.showMsg,
"sInfoFiltered" : cfg.filterfrom,
"bPaginate" : cfg.paginate,
"bFilter" : cfg.filter,
"bInfo" : cfg.info,
"bLengthChange" : cfg.lnchg,
"iDisplayLength" : iDisplayLength,
"aoColumns" : [null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null],
aaSorting : [ [ sorting, sortPosition ] ],
Any input?
I have refereed other post related to same error but not able to resolve my error, not sure if missing something minor.
Below is my HTML:
init : function(cfg) {
var id = "#" + cfg.id;
oTable = $(id).dataTable({
"bJQueryUI" : true,
aLengthMenu : aLengthMenu,
"oLanguage" : {
"sLengthMenu" : cfg.showMenu,
"sSearch" : cfg.showFilter,
"sInfoEmpty" : cfg.showMsg,
"sInfoFiltered" : cfg.filterfrom,
"bPaginate" : cfg.paginate,
"bFilter" : cfg.filter,
"bInfo" : cfg.info,
"bLengthChange" : cfg.lnchg,
"iDisplayLength" : iDisplayLength,
"aoColumns" : [null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null],
aaSorting : [ [ sorting, sortPosition ] ],
Any input?
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