Adding dynamically select
Adding dynamically select

Hello I am using this code
and works except SELECT.
function fnClickAddRow() {
aoData = oTable.fnAddData( [
"<?php echo "";?><?php while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_h)){echo ''.$row['nombre_herramienta'].'';}?><?php echo"";?>",
"" ] );
alert("aoData = " + aoData);
} [/code]
The Select print this: [code] 4,5 Fill drill4,5 autoself spring4,5 Negociator
4,5 Steel Rhino excentric[/code]
When you select more than two choices, the row is not added to the table!
The problem I think is that the select is very big .. I dont know, can you help me, please? : (
i'm sorry my english is bad.
and works except SELECT.
function fnClickAddRow() {
aoData = oTable.fnAddData( [
"<?php echo "";?><?php while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_h)){echo ''.$row['nombre_herramienta'].'';}?><?php echo"";?>",
"" ] );
alert("aoData = " + aoData);
} [/code]
The Select print this: [code] 4,5 Fill drill4,5 autoself spring4,5 Negociator
4,5 Steel Rhino excentric[/code]
When you select more than two choices, the row is not added to the table!
The problem I think is that the select is very big .. I dont know, can you help me, please? : (
i'm sorry my english is bad.
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