Check all with jquery ui

Check all with jquery ui

19kash8819kash88 Posts: 6Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited December 2013 in General

I have the jquery set up and select all of the column to disabled the rest of checkboxes when one in the column is selected all with jQuery ui button. But the issue I am having is that it doesn't select the other column data in pagination. How can I get that to work?

This is my jquery:

var table = $('table').dataTable();

var $_this = $(this),
tbl = $_this.closest("table"),
colIndex = $_this.closest("tr").children().index($_this.closest("td")) + 1;

if($':checked')) {
tbl.find("td:nth-child("+colIndex+") input:checkbox", table.fnGetNodes()).not(':checked').prop("disabled", true).button({disabled:true});
} else {
tbl.find("td:nth-child("+colIndex+") input:checkbox", table.fnGetNodes()).not(':checked').prop("disabled", false).button({disabled:false});


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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