oData Not An Object?

oData Not An Object?

nicmoonnicmoon Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited January 2014 in DataTables 1.9

I am using fnCreatedCell with signature (nTd, sData, oData, iRow, iCol).

Why is oData not an aData style object (key value pairs)? As you can see to get it to a more standard format all I had to do was call jQuery extend. I know that aoData is susceptible to format changes and this is derivative of that...should I just access aData for the row if I need information out of it? Or should I take the more tried method of doing buttons by using sDefaultContent with a binding to a method that grabs the parent tr and fnGetData to collect aData from the row instead...looking for insight as I use DataTables a lot and it is a great library to build on top of!

Thanks in advance.
- Nic


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