simple solution for "FixedHeader column headers not changing on window resize"
simple solution for "FixedHeader column headers not changing on window resize"

The thread is currently closed so posting workaround here.
In my project I'm using FixedHeader 2.1.0-dev (GitHub Jul 20, 2013 with bootstrap 3.0.3 on multiple, non-DataTables tables (only using FixedHeader and not DataTables in this implementation).
First I added a new "table-fixed-header" class to the all the tables needed.
My table tags are simply:
My script:
var fixedHeaders = [];
$('.table-fixed-header').each(function () {
new FixedHeader(this, {
'offsetTop': 51 // offset for my bootstrap .navbar-fixed-top
$(window).resize(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < fixedHeaders.length; i++) {
fixedHeaders[i]._fnUpdateClones(true); // force redraw
I tried to use the public fixedHeaders[i].fnUpdate() but that didn't redraw/resize the FixedHeaders. So I'm just calling the 'private' methods which fnUpdate() calls but with _fnUpdateClones(true) instead of _fnUpdateClones().
Shrug, maybe there is a better way to do this, but this works just fine, is super simple, and requires zero modifications to the FixedHeader.js.
Note that I haven't tested IE8 yet.
In my project I'm using FixedHeader 2.1.0-dev (GitHub Jul 20, 2013 with bootstrap 3.0.3 on multiple, non-DataTables tables (only using FixedHeader and not DataTables in this implementation).
First I added a new "table-fixed-header" class to the all the tables needed.
My table tags are simply:
My script:
var fixedHeaders = [];
$('.table-fixed-header').each(function () {
new FixedHeader(this, {
'offsetTop': 51 // offset for my bootstrap .navbar-fixed-top
$(window).resize(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < fixedHeaders.length; i++) {
fixedHeaders[i]._fnUpdateClones(true); // force redraw
I tried to use the public fixedHeaders[i].fnUpdate() but that didn't redraw/resize the FixedHeaders. So I'm just calling the 'private' methods which fnUpdate() calls but with _fnUpdateClones(true) instead of _fnUpdateClones().
Shrug, maybe there is a better way to do this, but this works just fine, is super simple, and requires zero modifications to the FixedHeader.js.
Note that I haven't tested IE8 yet.
This discussion has been closed.
Thanks! =)