TableTools Button Collection not working

TableTools Button Collection not working

ajaxboyajaxboy Posts: 17Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited January 2014 in General
I am trying to do a custom toolbar, I am using bootstrap 3, and DataTools 2.1.4 I implemented this into my code:

The buttons show up fine and everything, the button collection in the other hand, show off position. Like in the middle of the screen, and when I looked at the html/source, the dom position of the collection is way down the page html tree. I did the exact same custom toolbar already built with bootstrap on the same page (without datatables) and display just fine. I digged into just about all the settings I could find, but doesn't seem like the position is getting fixed at all, and also the formatting is bigger on the collection (because I am using boostrap class btn-xs.

Please any advice? thanks

This is code I been experimenting with:

$.extend(true, $.fn.DataTable.TableTools.classes, {
"container" : "btn-group btn-group-xs",
"buttons" : {
"normal" : "btn btn-default btn-xs",
"disabled" : "disabled"
"collection" : {
"container" : "DTTT_dropdown dropdown-menu dropdown-toggle",
"buttons" : {
"normal" : "",
"disabled" : "disabled"
"select" : {
"row" : "active"

$.extend( true, $.fn.DataTable.TableTools.DEFAULTS.oTags, {
"collection": {
"container": "ul",
"button": "li",
"liner": "a"

//Action Buttons
TableTools.BUTTONS.edit = $.extend( false, TableTools.buttonBase, {
"sButtonText": "Edit",
"fnClick": function( nButton, oConfig ) {
console.log(nButton, this.fnGetTableData(oConfig));
} );

TableTools.BUTTONS.duplicate = $.extend( false, TableTools.buttonBase, {
"sButtonText": "Duplicate",
"fnClick": function( nButton, oConfig ) {
//clicked Dupplicate
} );

TableTools.BUTTONS.delete = $.extend( false, TableTools.buttonBase, {
"sButtonText": "Delete",
"fnClick": function( nButton, oConfig ) {
} );

TableTools.BUTTONS.add = $.extend( false, TableTools.buttonBase, {
"sButtonText": "Add",
"fnClick": function( nButton, oConfig ) {
} );

TableTools.BUTTONS.import = $.extend( true, TableTools.buttonBase, {
"sButtonText": "Import",
"fnClick": function( nButton, oConfig ) {
} );

TableTools.BUTTONS.export = $.extend( true, TableTools.buttonBase, {
"sButtonText": "Export",
"fnClick": function( nButton, oConfig ) {
} );

var oTable = $('#table1').dataTable( {
//"sDom": "<'row'<'toolbar'>L<'search'f>r> t <'row'<'col-xs-6'i><'col-xs-6'lp>>",
"sDom": "<'row-fluid'<'span6'T><'span6'f>r>t<'row-fluid'<'span6'i><'span6'p>>",
"aoColumnDefs": [ { "bSortable": false, "aTargets": [ 0 ] } ],
"oTableTools": {
"aButtons": [
"sExtends": "collection",
"sButtonText": 'Action ',
"aButtons": [ "edit", "duplicate", "delete" ],
sButtonClass: "btn btn-default btn-xs dropdown-toggle"

"sExtends": "add",
"sButtonText": "Add",
"sButtonClass": "btn-group btn-group-xs"

"sExtends": "import",
"sButtonText": "Import",
"sButtonClass": "btn-group btn-group-xs"
"sExtends": "export",
"sButtonText": "Export",
"sButtonClass": "btn-group btn-group-xs"


  • ajaxboyajaxboy Posts: 17Questions: 0Answers: 0
    The link is actually:
  • ajaxboyajaxboy Posts: 17Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Found issue, it appears that having this on the page:

    body {
    margin-left: 200px;
    margin-top: 50px;
    padding: 10px;
    screws up the menu collections, and these properties are inherited..
  • allanallan Posts: 64,142Questions: 1Answers: 10,584 Site admin
    Thanks for posting back your solution. Good to hear you've got it figured out :-)

This discussion has been closed.