What is the best way to pass selected rows to a cgi-bin script?

What is the best way to pass selected rows to a cgi-bin script?

bigsipperbigsipper Posts: 31Questions: 2Answers: 0
edited January 2014 in TableTools
I need to pass only the rows a user has selected (multiple rows at one time -sometimes up to a few hundred) to
a cgi-bin script.

The cgi-bin script will need to process the data, make some database entries, send emails, etc....

What is the best way for me to deliver the selected data to the cgi-bin?

Should I build a form with a hidden 'data' field and POST it to the url of the cgi-bin script?
I don't think a GET method would work....



  • bigsipperbigsipper Posts: 31Questions: 2Answers: 0
    Duh.... I guess this was a dumb question.
    The answer I came upon is that the selected data object can be passed like any other object
    in javascript:

    client side code:
    var oTT = TableTools.fnGetInstance( 'table' );
    var aData = oTT.fnGetSelectedData();

    $.post('cgi-bin/notify.cgi',{recompid: recompid, data: JSON.stringify(aData, null, 2)});

    server side code:
    my $req = new CGI();
    my $vars = $req->Vars();
    my %params = map { $_, $vars->{$_} =~ /\0/ ? [ split /\0/, $vars->{$_} ] : $vars->{$_} } keys %$vars;

    foreach my $row ( $json->decode($params{data}) ){
    yada... yada...
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