Strict criterion of global search?
Strict criterion of global search?

There is a table with the data the user ID is strange, telephone. The problem is that I have configured to search only in the field user ID, because it is unique, but the problem is that I have of you, as the user ID 1 and 10 and for global search if I ask a 1 instead, that would give me 1 issues and 1 and 10 that can do whatever in the global search if set to 1 issued 1 if 10 then receive a 10? And not all of them together
here's a great example of JS code
$('#tablepress-1').dataTable({"oLanguage":DataTables_oLanguage["ru_RU"],"aaSorting":[],"bSortClasses":false,"asStripeClasses":['even','odd'],"aoColumnDefs": [
{ "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [ 0 ] },
{ "bSearchable": false, "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [ 1 ] },
{ "bSearchable": false, "bVisible": true, "aTargets": [ 2 ] }
],"bSort":false,"bPaginate": false,"bLengthChange":false,"iDisplayLength":1,"bInfo":false,"oSearch": {"sSearch": "<? echo $id_nickname; ?>"}});
There is a table with the data the user ID is strange, telephone. The problem is that I have configured to search only in the field user ID, because it is unique, but the problem is that I have of you, as the user ID 1 and 10 and for global search if I ask a 1 instead, that would give me 1 issues and 1 and 10 that can do whatever in the global search if set to 1 issued 1 if 10 then receive a 10? And not all of them together
here's a great example of JS code
$('#tablepress-1').dataTable({"oLanguage":DataTables_oLanguage["ru_RU"],"aaSorting":[],"bSortClasses":false,"asStripeClasses":['even','odd'],"aoColumnDefs": [
{ "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [ 0 ] },
{ "bSearchable": false, "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [ 1 ] },
{ "bSearchable": false, "bVisible": true, "aTargets": [ 2 ] }
],"bSort":false,"bPaginate": false,"bLengthChange":false,"iDisplayLength":1,"bInfo":false,"oSearch": {"sSearch": "<? echo $id_nickname; ?>"}});
This discussion has been closed.