Two oSettings object instance in table it's correct?
Two oSettings object instance in table it's correct?

Hi, all.
First, sorry for my English.
My problem:
I update dT from 1.8.2 to 1.9.4 and discover what my dataTables object which I save as
[code]var table = $("#kdl-profile-table").dataTable({[/code]
,and which I use below in my functions,
have two instance table.dataTableSettings [0] and [1].
Its correct behaviour? I'm not see it early.
First, sorry for my English.
My problem:
I update dT from 1.8.2 to 1.9.4 and discover what my dataTables object which I save as
[code]var table = $("#kdl-profile-table").dataTable({[/code]
,and which I use below in my functions,
have two instance table.dataTableSettings [0] and [1].
Its correct behaviour? I'm not see it early.
This discussion has been closed.
But, I create a fiddle
I clean code from my plugins and other corporate-stuff, but bug are reproduce.
If breakpoint on row 86 (var cell = e.currentTarget;) then table have two instance in table.dataTableSettings.
on 86 show "1" in my fiddle.
But locally show "2".
May be it's FF problem or problem of our project with more plugins.
This behaviour is not affected program. It's simply interesting :)
Thank you for answer and you work, it's great!