A full CRUD application in php
A full CRUD application in php
Hi,where can i get a full CRUD implementation of data tables with php and mysql,is there a thread on the matter apart from the asp.net one found by searching for CRUD on the forums?.If you charge a fee for such an implementation,i would be interested in knowing,i need the CRUD implementation with php and mysql urgently.
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The reason I haven't built any CRUD into DataTables is that there is about a million ways to do it, and how you want to do it will depend a lot on your site. Thus, to take the bloat in the core library down, the API methods are provided for you to hook into if you want to build a CRUD application with DataTables in a particular way.
This plugin uses jeditable to manage writing to the database.
Generalized steps to your DataTables +jEditable plugin:
1) set up data table with bServerSide: true and server_processing.php script (manages the R in CRUD)
2) set up jEditable plugin, including paths to add, update, delete scripts (the CUD in CRUD), and settings per-column for data
3) implement (or copy the scripts in the documentation) for add, update, delete scripts.
see the site-map for links to sections on Adding, Updating, and Deleting
see download links for examples - I think there are complete projects in there.