How do I add html to my server processed table?
How do I add html to my server processed table?
I am trying to add html to my server processed table, but nothing is working.
Can anybody help me with this?
Here is the code I am using.
$sOutput = '{';
$sOutput .= '"sEcho": '.intval($_GET['sEcho']).', ';
$sOutput .= '"iTotalRecords": '.$iTotal.', ';
$sOutput .= '"iTotalDisplayRecords": '.$iFilteredTotal.', ';
$sOutput .= '"aaData": [ ';
while ( $aRow = mysql_fetch_array( $rResult ) )
$sOutput .= "[";
$sOutput .= '"'.addslashes($aRow['cus_abbreviation']).'",';
$sOutput .= '"'.addslashes($aRow['cus_name']).'",';
$sOutput .= '"'.addslashes($aRow['cus_ig']).'",';
$sOutput .= '"'.addslashes($aRow['cus_active']).'",';
$sOutput .= '"",'; // Needs to contain html, php and css
$sOutput .= "],";
$sOutput = substr_replace( $sOutput, "", -1 );
$sOutput .= '] }';
echo $sOutput;
function fnColumnToField( $i )
if ( $i == 0 )
return "cus_abbreviation";
else if ( $i == 1 )
return "cus_name";
else if ( $i == 2 )
return "cus_ig";
else if ( $i == 3 )
return "cus_active";
Can anybody help me with this?
Here is the code I am using.
$sOutput = '{';
$sOutput .= '"sEcho": '.intval($_GET['sEcho']).', ';
$sOutput .= '"iTotalRecords": '.$iTotal.', ';
$sOutput .= '"iTotalDisplayRecords": '.$iFilteredTotal.', ';
$sOutput .= '"aaData": [ ';
while ( $aRow = mysql_fetch_array( $rResult ) )
$sOutput .= "[";
$sOutput .= '"'.addslashes($aRow['cus_abbreviation']).'",';
$sOutput .= '"'.addslashes($aRow['cus_name']).'",';
$sOutput .= '"'.addslashes($aRow['cus_ig']).'",';
$sOutput .= '"'.addslashes($aRow['cus_active']).'",';
$sOutput .= '"",'; // Needs to contain html, php and css
$sOutput .= "],";
$sOutput = substr_replace( $sOutput, "", -1 );
$sOutput .= '] }';
echo $sOutput;
function fnColumnToField( $i )
if ( $i == 0 )
return "cus_abbreviation";
else if ( $i == 1 )
return "cus_name";
else if ( $i == 2 )
return "cus_ig";
else if ( $i == 3 )
return "cus_active";
This discussion has been closed.
Replies will help for validating your returned JSON. But just add the slashes and it should be good to go.
It is fully functional now! And off course a lot faster thanks to the server side processing.
And is there a way to assign a different class to a td or tr?
I also have one problem.
The page of the table is saved, but it doesn't load that page. It loads the first page when I return to the table.
var oTable;
var asInitVals = new Array();
$(document).ready(function() {
oTable = $('#tableCM').dataTable( {
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"bStateSave": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"fnRowCallback": function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex ) {
var this_class = "no_change";
if ( aData[0] == "<?php echo $jump;?>" )
this_class = "changed";
nRow.className = nRow.className + " " + this_class;
return nRow;
"sAjaxSource": "includes/server_processing_cm.php",
"oLanguage": {
"sSearch": "Zoek in alle kolommen:",
"sLengthMenu": "Toon _MENU_ resultaten per pagina",
"sZeroRecords": "Geen resulaten gevonden.",
"sInfo": "Toon _START_ tot _END_ van _TOTAL_ resultaten",
"sInfoEmtpy": "Toon 0 tot 0 van 0 resultaten",
"sInfoFiltered": "(gefilterd uit _MAX_ resultaten)",
"oPaginate": {
"sFirst": "Begin",
"sLast": "Eind",
"sNext": "Volgende",
"sPrevious": "Vorige"
"aoColumns": [
{ "bSearchable": false, "bVisible": false, "sWidth": "10%" },
{ "sWidth": "10%" },
{ "sWidth": "50%" },
{ "sType": "html", "sWidth": "10%" },
{ "sType": "html", "sWidth": "10%" },
{"bSearchable": false, "bSortable": false, "sWidth": "10%" },
{"bSearchable": false, "bSortable": false, "sWidth": "10%" }
} );
} );
2. I think that's a bug in DataTables. I think that this thread covers it: . If you can wait a day or two I hope to release DataTables 1.7 beta which will address this.
3. A looped thead? Not sure I quite follow. aoColumns is just an array of all the column headers.
I have a while loop for the thead to print the headers. And I need to assign aoColumns to these TH's in thead. Without these the table doesn't function properly.
$groups = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM internalgroup");
while($group = mysql_fetch_assoc($groups))
echo '' . $group['ig_abbreviation'] . '';
var i=1;
for (i=1;i<<?php echo $num_rows; ?>;i++)
//document.write("The number is " + i);
{"bSearchable": false, "bSortable": false, "sWidth": "5%", "sClass": "center" },
//Code that needs to be looped
var oTable;
var asInitVals = new Array();
$(document).ready(function() {
oTable = $('#tableCG').dataTable( {
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"bStateSave": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"sAjaxSource": "includes/server_processing_cg.php",
"oLanguage": {
"sSearch": "Zoek in alle kolommen:",
"sLengthMenu": "Toon _MENU_ resultaten per pagina",
"sZeroRecords": "Geen resulaten gevonden.",
"sInfo": "Toon _START_ tot _END_ van _TOTAL_ resultaten",
"sInfoEmtpy": "Toon 0 tot 0 van 0 resultaten",
"sInfoFiltered": "(gefilterd uit _MAX_ resultaten)",
"oPaginate": {
"sFirst": "Begin",
"sLast": "Eind",
"sNext": "Volgende",
"sPrevious": "Vorige"
"aoColumns": [
//Loop needs to be here
{"bSearchable": false, "bSortable": false, "sWidth": "5%", "sClass": "center" }
} );
} );
Feel like an idiot ;).