Hide Bootstrap DatePicker (plugin) On initial Create / Edit display
Hide Bootstrap DatePicker (plugin) On initial Create / Edit display
Is it possible to automatically hide the date picker so that it only displays when the input field is clicked? If so can you provide an example?
Also, is it also possible to disallow typing into the input manually? (I tried adding: [code]"attrs": { "readonly": "" }[/code] but it didn't seem to have any effect.
Also, is it also possible to disallow typing into the input manually? (I tried adding: [code]"attrs": { "readonly": "" }[/code] but it didn't seem to have any effect.
This discussion has been closed.
jQuery UI has a `showOn` option ( http://api.jqueryui.com/datepicker/#option-showOn ) which you could set to be 'button' which I think will resolve it. Otherwise you could do something like: `$('#DTE_Field_registered_date').datepicker('hide')` in an `onOpen` event.
> Also, is it also possible to disallow typing into the input manually?
I don't see an option in jQuery UI to do that. There is a `constrainInput` option that might be attractive ( http://api.jqueryui.com/datepicker/#option-constrainInput )? Otherwise, I think it would be a case of attaching a `keypress` event handler to the input element and using `preventDefault()` to stop key presses.
editor.on('onOpen', function (e) {
$('DTE_Field_QuoteDate').prop('readonly', true);
But no luck. Any help would be much appreciated.
editor.on('onOpen', function (e) {
editor.on('onOpen', function (e) {
$('DTE_Field_QuoteDate').keypress(function (event) {
Does the datepicker get re-initialised after the onOpen event has fired or something like that?
editor.on('onOpen', function (e) {
$('#DTE_Field_QuoteDate').keypress(function (event) {
The issues still remain... :-(
> Does the datepicker get re-initialised after the onOpen event has fired or something like that?
No - it is initialised on first run only. The same instance is then reused.
I have a feeling that this is actually a quirk of Editor 1.2. What I think is happening is that Editor is firing the focus event once the display animation is complete - however, the onOpen event occurs just as the animation has started...
To test that theory, you could add: `jQuery.fx.off = true;` to your code, and I think that might resolve it as a bit of a jacky workaround.
Editor 1.3 has changed how the focus works - so it is actually triggered before onOpen. Very happy to send you a beta of 1.3 if you'd like to try it. Based on your comments here as well, I think I might include an option to disable the initial focus of the form.
Will I have to refactor my HTML/JS or server side code differently from version 1.2?
I'm using DataTables 1.9.4 with colVis and columnFilter plugins, and have written the server side in .NET MVC, but I had to make a few minor changes to those plugins to get colVis and columnFilter to behave nicely together...
Did you get a chance to put version 1.3 online yet? Also, what is the "attrs" property for if it doesn't add attributes to the bootstrap input?
I also added an "ro-datepicker" class and a readonly attribute as per the code below (in editor.bootstrap-date.js), which allowed me to make the input read only and style it to look editable, as the bootstrap datepicker still sets the value fine if the input is read only:
$.fn.dataTable.Editor.fieldTypes.date = {
"create": function ( conf ) {
conf._input = $('')
.attr( $.extend( {
id: conf.id,
type: 'text',
'class': 'datepicker ro-datepicker',
'readonly': ''
}, conf.attr || {} ) )
.datepicker( conf.opts || {} );
return conf._input[0];
Thanks for your help which pointed me in the right direction... where there's a will... :-)
Great to hear you've got a fix for the issue you were having though!