Why are beta examples in XML instead of HTML?
Why are beta examples in XML instead of HTML?

Hi, I just downloaded TableTools-master.zip from github, and the examples are in XML instead of HTML. Can you please explain why and how you are expecting us to open them? Thanks.
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the issue goes away.
This makes the examples massively more maintainable, as well as more cohesive. Personally I never enjoyed writing the examples before - now I do, and I'm not afraid of altering one or two little things about the page layout, tweaking the data or adding / removing an example.
You are absolutely correct that I should build instructions on how to create a the examples from source (its almost as trivial as most other software that needs to be installed from source). I'll add this to the documentation and readies soon, but in summary:
You need a unix / linux environment with bash and php 5.3 or newer available. Clone / download the DataTablesSrc repo and then clone / download any of the extensions that you want into an `extensions` directory.
Then on your terminal `cd` into DataTablesSrc/build and type `./make.sh build debug` . That will make DataTables in the DataTablesSrc/built directory. Use `./make.sh extension TableTools debug` to build TableTools.
There are some options such as the path to closure compiler that may need to be altered for your system as well, but that's how to build DataTables and the extensions. As I say, I'll write this up properly soon.
Ps. The link to the released version from tangerine was built from the source repo.
@tangerine, My apologies, you were right after all, since Allan has explained github's xml files are sources that get built as html in the release.