Wish list books - thank you's! [March 2014]
Wish list books - thank you's! [March 2014]

Hello all,
This is a thread where I can say a huge thank you to anyone who as sent me something from my wish list for DataTables.
This is a thread where I can say a huge thank you to anyone who as sent me something from my wish list for DataTables.
This discussion has been closed.
I've recently returned to my childhood hobby of woodworking and got a router. Was working on a few mortise and tenon joints earlier this afternoon, and having looked through this book, I think a sled for the router is the first thing to make! Will make life a lot easier, so thank you so much for this book - it will be well used!
This is obviously a topic very close to my own heart! This book was recommended by a friend a little while ago, and it looks like it will be extremely useful. There are most certainly some points that I know I can improve with DataTables as an OSS project (heh - like all software; everything can be improved!) and hopefully this will help in that regard. Certainly I've got a couple of ideas already from just reading small parts over the last few nights :-).
This ties in very nicely with the "Producing Open Source Software" book (above) and the areas that I think I can improve about DataTables! Content... The documentation of DataTables is taking a huge leap forward (imho of course ;-) ) with the up coming 1.10 release, but supporting media such as the blog, videos, etc are areas I know I can improve, so this book is going to be well read, and hopefully I can put the ideas from it into practice. Thank you!