Performance with 267 columns 117 rows
Performance with 267 columns 117 rows

I'm currently investigating a browser-freezing problem when using a large number of columns. I'm having a bit of trouble where to look because I'm rather new to browser/JS profiling.
However, I *think* what's happening is that the browser chokes on reflow. Because many of the bottlenecks are single statements - they are getting or setting sizes. Which I presume cause a storm of recomputations for something as complex as a table with so much columns. Maybe there's also a possible influence from the Scroller add-on (release 1.2.0) ?
For a smaller number of columns there seems to be no problem.
Is this a problem already familiar to somebody in here ?
Or any hint what alternatives I can try ? Preferably by maintaining that many columns. :-)
Thanks !
However, I *think* what's happening is that the browser chokes on reflow. Because many of the bottlenecks are single statements - they are getting or setting sizes. Which I presume cause a storm of recomputations for something as complex as a table with so much columns. Maybe there's also a possible influence from the Scroller add-on (release 1.2.0) ?
For a smaller number of columns there seems to be no problem.
Is this a problem already familiar to somebody in here ?
Or any hint what alternatives I can try ? Preferably by maintaining that many columns. :-)
Thanks !
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It would really be convenient if Scroller would also work horizontally. Because that's where the problem lies: too much markup.
First press "Add Big table" and then "Fill table". Wait for a few seconds to see the table appear. The spent time is displayed too. The "render" time is basically the duration of the DT call. The "build" time is the time spent to create the whole thing - apart from calling DT.
The styling of the result is not really what we have here - but the intended result is there: Showing it takes 4/5s to render it. I'm no JS/CSS/... guru; hence my call for help to find out what's going on.
To "simulate" the server, the DT settings object is converted into a string and then back into a JSON object. And only then fed to DT.
Is there something obvious left to do to make this process go faster ?
Sorry about that.
You are going to get no benefit from deferred rendering since you need all rows up front. So the biggest change I would suggest is enabling paging, or using Scroller.
Makes your table draw in 600mS for me:
The total amount of rows is extended to 5,000. As is our use case. Reducing the columns does make it much more responsive.
Maybe this is shedding some light ? I guess I'm making a stupid mistake somewhere... :-/
Using DataTables 1.10 gives a performance boost of about 1.5 seconds. Disabling autoWidth gives about another 1.5 seconds.
Doing a profile on the table creation shows:
- 32% of the time is getting the scroll top position
- 30% of the time is getting the offsetWidth for the scrolling elements
- 17.5% Getting the widest element for sizing (auto width)
- 9% For initialisation
Any suggestions for how to improve any of them are very welcome. At the moment I would suggest using server-side processing. DataTables can't virtualise the columns in the same way as it can for the rows with Scroller, so the less data you ask it to process the better.
I think it might be a solution to actually disable Scroller on a case basis. When the table is too wide, then let's use the classic paging mechanism. With the navigation buttons and one page in memory only. Even if there are thousands of rows.
function _fnScrollDraw(o) {
var firstPass = $(o.nTable).data("opt-first-pass") === undefined;
if (firstPass) {
console.log("Running _fnScrollDraw()");
var start =;
$(o.nTable).data("opt-first-pass", false);
var duration = - start;
console.log("Running _fnScrollDraw() took " + duration + " ms");
else {
console.log("Skipping _fnScrollDraw()");
But I'm not suggesting it's useless to do so ! :-) But maybe it means there is an opportunity to win time somewhere ?
Something I hacked - but failed to do it properly - is to put the rendering in a timeout function:
(1) Put the rows into a buffer array.
(2) Schedule a timeout function:
(2.1) Remove the 10 first rows from the buffer
(2.2) Add the removed rows to the DOM
(2.3) If the buffer isn't empty => GOTO (2)
It's actually cool - the browser responds much faster and the rows appear while you at it. But something went wrong somewhere. :-)
I'd like very much to have a try but I'm currently a bit overwhelmed at work.
Also the effect is lost when Scroller only resets the viewpoint AFTER everything has been drawn. :-)
So, there's a little tinkering left here...
function _fnDraw() {
var body = $(oSettings.nTBody);
// HACK: Draws the rows individually in background so *seems* less slow. It replaces the commented code underneath
asyncDraw(anRows, oSettings, body);
// body.append( $(anRows) );
// /* Call all required callback functions for the end of a draw */
// _fnCallbackFire( oSettings, 'aoDrawCallback', 'draw', [oSettings] );
// /* Draw is complete, sorting and filtering must be as well */
// oSettings.bSorted = false;
// oSettings.bFiltered = false;
// oSettings.bDrawing = false;
* Hack to draw the rows asynchronously. It'll take at least just as much time,
* but the first response comes a lot faster.
* @param anRows The rows left to add
* @param oSettings Settings
* @param body Element to append the rows to
function asyncDraw(anRows, oSettings, body) {
if (anRows.length == 0) {
_fnCallbackFire( oSettings, 'aoDrawCallback', 'draw', [oSettings] );
oSettings.bSorted = false;
oSettings.bFiltered = false;
oSettings.bDrawing = false;
else {
window.setTimeout(function() {
var page = anRows.splice(0,1);
asyncDraw(anRows, oSettings, body);
I guess won't divulge company secrets by sending them to you. :-)