Search doesn't work properly while typing initial text; works if I add an extra letter & delete it

Search doesn't work properly while typing initial text; works if I add an extra letter & delete it

Avalente1Avalente1 Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited April 2014 in DataTables 1.9
I have a simple datatable with Bootstrap2 from the example.

When I enter a search for 'Cruz', and the table displays no results even though there is a name 'Cruz'. When I add any letter and then delete that letter, the table shows the record properly.

Does anyone know why this may be? Is it something I could change in my configuration to fix it so the initial search works the same way? - See the issue in action here

debug code: ikehar


Here is my configuration:


$.extend(true, $.fn.dataTable.defaults, {
"sDom": "<'row-fluid'<'span9'l><'span3'f>r>t<'row-fluid'<'span6'i><'span6'p>>",
"sPaginationType": "bootstrap",
"oLanguage": {
"sLengthMenu": "_MENU_ records per page"
$.extend( $.fn.dataTableExt.oStdClasses, {
"sWrapper": "dataTables_wrapper form-inline"
$.extend($.fn.dataTableExt.oPagination, {
"bootstrap": {
"fnInit": function(oSettings, nPaging, fnDraw) {
var oLang = oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate;
var fnClickHandler = function(e) {
if (oSettings.oApi._fnPageChange(oSettings, {
$(nPaging).addClass('pagination').append('' + '← ' + oLang.sPrevious + '' + '' + oLang.sNext + ' → ' + '');
var els = $('a', nPaging);
$(els[0]).bind('click.DT', {
action: "previous"
}, fnClickHandler);
$(els[1]).bind('click.DT', {
action: "next"
}, fnClickHandler);
"fnUpdate": function(oSettings, fnDraw) {
var iListLength = 5;
var oPaging = oSettings.oInstance.fnPagingInfo();
var an = oSettings.aanFeatures.p;
var i, ien, j, sClass, iStart, iEnd, iHalf = Math.floor(iListLength / 2);
if (oPaging.iTotalPages < iListLength) {
iStart = 1;
iEnd = oPaging.iTotalPages;
} else if (oPaging.iPage <= iHalf) {
iStart = 1;
iEnd = iListLength;
} else if (oPaging.iPage >= (oPaging.iTotalPages - iHalf)) {
iStart = oPaging.iTotalPages - iListLength + 1;
iEnd = oPaging.iTotalPages;
} else {
iStart = oPaging.iPage - iHalf + 1;
iEnd = iStart + iListLength - 1;
for (i = 0, ien = an.length; i < ien; i++) {
$('li:gt(0)', an[i]).filter(':not(:last)').remove();
for (j = iStart; j <= iEnd; j++) {
sClass = (j == oPaging.iPage + 1) ? 'class="active"' : '';
$('' + j + '')
.insertBefore($('li:last', an[i])[0])
.bind('click', function(e) {
oSettings._iDisplayStart = (parseInt($('a', this).text(), 10) - 1) * oPaging.iLength;
if (oPaging.iPage === 0) {
$('li:first', an[i]).addClass('disabled');
} else {
$('li:first', an[i]).removeClass('disabled');

if (oPaging.iPage === oPaging.iTotalPages - 1 || oPaging.iTotalPages === 0) {
$('li:last', an[i]).addClass('disabled');
} else {
$('li:last', an[i]).removeClass('disabled');
if ($.fn.DataTable.TableTools) {
$.extend(true, $.fn.DataTable.TableTools.classes, {
"container": "DTTT btn-group",
"buttons": {
"normal": "btn",
"disabled": "disabled"
"collection": {
"container": "DTTT_dropdown dropdown-menu",
"buttons": {
"normal": "",
"disabled": "disabled"
"print": {
"info": "DTTT_print_info modal"
"select": {
"row": "active"
$.extend(true, $.fn.DataTable.TableTools.DEFAULTS.oTags, {
"collection": {
"container": "ul",
"button": "li",
"liner": "a"
$(document).ready(function() {
"sDom": "<'row'<'span6'l><'span6'f>r>t<'row'<'span6'i><'span6'p>>",
"iDisplayLength": 50,
"sPaginationType": "bootstrap",
"oLanguage": {
"sLengthMenu": "_MENU_ records per page"



  • allanallan Posts: 64,125Questions: 1Answers: 10,579 Site admin
    Thanks for the link - but it is asking for login information, so I'm afraid I can't see the page to investigate.

This discussion has been closed.