PDF Export problem with dropdown filter
PDF Export problem with dropdown filter

I am using this method for dropdown filter in the table footer: http://www.datatables.net/examples/api/multi_filter_select.html
I also added PDF export option, it works fine but the PDF includes the table footer as the last record and show all text in these filters.
Is it possible to have this PDF export process the records in tbody element?
I also added PDF export option, it works fine but the PDF includes the table footer as the last record and show all text in these filters.
Is it possible to have this PDF export process the records in tbody element?
This discussion has been closed.
Open TableTools.js, find the line --> if ( oConfig.bFooter && dt.nTFoot !== null )
Change to if ( oConfig.bFooter && dt.nTFoot == null ), so it ignores footer with content.