json file is read but not displayed.. getting error .. f is not defined
json file is read but not displayed.. getting error .. f is not defined

Im using dataTables min 1.9.2
What I want to do is get data from server. This data is in json format.
I can see that the data is gotten successfully in the server, but it is not displayed and also get the error, f is undefined.
This is the where the code stops (shown below is code taken from dataTables js)
var f=a.sAjaxDataProp!==""?W(a.sAjaxDataProp)(c):c;
What I want to do is get data from server. This data is in json format.
I can see that the data is gotten successfully in the server, but it is not displayed and also get the error, f is undefined.
This is the where the code stops (shown below is code taken from dataTables js)
var f=a.sAjaxDataProp!==""?W(a.sAjaxDataProp)(c):c;
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