Trying to get 2 variables in one column
Trying to get 2 variables in one column

Hello, i've been trying to get this to work, but my lack of knowledge is giving me a head ache... Does someone knows how to achieve the following:
i want to draw a button in the "bekijk" column with two profile_id's (init and init2), because i'm very new with data tables i have absolutly no clue how to achieve this.... ofcourse the statement below is drawing two columns, I want it to be in one column with the two [VAL] statements in one link... is this even possible?
Thanks in prosper
$config['aColumnsin'] = array('b.mod_name as m_name', 'c.profile_name as mfrom', 'd.profile_name as mto', 'e.message as cnr','a.cron as ts', 'c.profile_id as init', 'd.profile_id as init2' );
$config['aColumnsout'] = array('m_name', 'mfrom', 'mto', 'cnr','ts','init', 'init2' );
$config['sIndexColumn'] = "a.moderator_id ";
$config['searchable'] = array(1);
$config['sTable'] = " moderator_data a LEFT JOIN moderator b on a.moderator_id = b.moderator_id LEFT JOIN user_profiles c on a._from = c.profile_id LEFT JOIN user_profiles d on a._to = d.profile_id LEFT JOIN messages e on a.message_id = e.message_id ".$clause;
$config['aConfig']['init']= '<a href="../admin/chatscherm?profile=[VAL]&to=" class="btn btn-mini"><i class="icon-share"></i> Bekijk</a>';
$config['aConfig']['init2']= '<a href="../admin/chatscherm?profile=&to=[VAL]" class="btn btn-mini"><i class="icon-share"></i> Bekijk</a>';
Perfectly possible. Personally I'd do it using
rather than doing in PHP, but it should be perfectly possible there as well.Allan
Thanks for your quick reply! I am currently at DT1.9... need this to work though.. i've looked into columns.render, but dont see a solution..
i've posted my jquery, any thoughts? thnx
"aaSorting": [[ 4, "desc" ]],
"bJQueryUI": true,
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"sDom": '<""l>rt<"F"fp>'
Start by defining your columns. Look at the examples here: