I want create two linked datatables
I want create two linked datatables
In my first datable, when i click on a line, i display a second datatable who have the first row's cell value on parameter.
The problem is it' s working the first time but after when i click in the row of the first datatable, firebug say me oTable null
When the second datatable is working, the first are not active ?
Thank you
The problem is it' s working the first time but after when i click in the row of the first datatable, firebug say me oTable null
When the second datatable is working, the first are not active ?
Thank you
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Interesting application of DataTables - I like the idea :-). I'm not entirely sure why you would run into the problem you describe. Do you have a link you could provide?
I also want to do like this. The example idea is: when I want to know all transaction in my shop, and if I want to look at historical/record of the mostly purchase at 1 person, I can click at the name and new datatables will opened like hidden row information.
Is it possible?
If you click on the little plus button then it will 'open' the row (showing extra information), then click the minus button and it will close the details row. Is that not what you are looking for?
Not like that :) I've done with that sample from Examples page, but I want to modify it.
When I click on the little plus button then it will open the row, but not showing extra information. It will show new datatables (e.g. if I want to look the detail transaction of that person at the record of total purchase). And if minus button clicked, it will close that new datatables.
Essentially is how to create datatables into datatables.
Thank you,
The next thing to do is to initialise the new DataTable. In my example this could be done something like this:
var nDetailsRow = oTable.fnOpen( nTr, fnFormatDetails(oTable, nTr), 'details' );
$('table', nDetailsRow).dataTable();
Thank you,
function fnFormatDetails ( oTable, nTr )
var aData = oTable.fnGetData( nTr );
var sOut = '';
sOut += 'Data1Data2';
sOut += 'randy500';
sOut += 'richard300';
sOut += '';
return sOut;
$(document).ready(function() {
var nCloneTh = document.createElement( 'th' );
var nCloneTd = document.createElement( 'td' );
nCloneTd.innerHTML = '';
nCloneTd.className = "center";
$('#example thead tr').each( function () {
this.insertBefore( nCloneTh, this.childNodes[0] );
} );
$('#example tbody tr').each( function () {
this.insertBefore( nCloneTd.cloneNode( true ), this.childNodes[0] );
} );
var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
var nDetailsRow = oTable.fnOpen( nTr, fnFormatDetails(oTable, nTr), '#detail_table' );
$('#example', nDetailsRow).dataTable();
$('td img', oTable.fnGetNodes() ).each( function () {
$(this).click( function () {
var nTr = this.parentNode.parentNode;
if ( this.src.match('details_close') )
this.src = "dataTables-1.7/examples/examples_support/details_open.png";
oTable.fnClose( nTr );
this.src = "dataTables-1.7/examples/examples_support/details_close.png";
oTable.fnOpen( nTr, fnFormatDetails(oTable, nTr), 'details' );
} );
} );
} );
for data, I use mysql data with query to replace that static data.
Thank you,
function fnFormatDetails ( oTable, nTr )
var aData = oTable.fnGetData( nTr );
var sOut = '';
sOut += 'Data1Data2';
sOut += 'randy500';
sOut += 'richard300';
sOut += '';
return sOut;
$(document).ready(function() {
var nCloneTh = document.createElement( 'th' );
var nCloneTd = document.createElement( 'td' );
nCloneTd.innerHTML = '';
nCloneTd.className = "center";
$('#example thead tr').each( function () {
this.insertBefore( nCloneTh, this.childNodes[0] );
} );
$('#example tbody tr').each( function () {
this.insertBefore( nCloneTd.cloneNode( true ), this.childNodes[0] );
} );
var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
$('td img', oTable.fnGetNodes() ).each( function () {
$(this).click( function () {
var nTr = this.parentNode.parentNode;
if ( this.src.match('details_close') )
this.src = "dataTables-1.7/examples/examples_support/details_open.png";
oTable.fnClose( nTr );
this.src = "dataTables-1.7/examples/examples_support/details_close.png";
var nDetailsRow = oTable.fnOpen( nTr, fnFormatDetails(oTable, nTr), 'details' );
$('table', nDetailsRow).dataTable();
} );
} );
} );
note where I've moved and modified the initialisation of the inner table.
Thank you Allan, now I will try to modify the detail table so can sort any column :)
Thank you,