Maybe a solution for print on a new windows
Maybe a solution for print on a new windows

Hello Allan, sometime ago you help me with some issues with datatables, so, i needed to print on a new windows so, i start to research for a solution without good news, so i modified the tabletTools.js file and now when you click on print button the print window is on a new window, maybe you could be interested on the code. It has one issue, it needs to refresh the parent window because i didn't find the way to change the classes again to show all the html content.
BEst regards,
That's cool - I suspect several people would be interested to see how you did it. Its not something I want to put into TableTools core at the moment, as I'm planning a rewrite of that code sometime (which this ability made much easier).
I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean. Are the classes hiding the data? Can you just remove the classes?
Sorry for the delay.
I found the code where you hide the elements but when i run it to show it doesn't works...