How to change the cursor with DataTable 1.10

How to change the cursor with DataTable 1.10

dlbarrondlbarron Posts: 23Questions: 1Answers: 0

I upgraded my jquery and DataTable packages to the latest and now some of the functionality I have been using is no longer working. For example I want to be able to change the cursor to a pointer when over any cell. For that I have always uses this code:
$('#forumtable tbody tr').hover(function() {
$(this).css('cursor', 'pointer');
}, function() {
$(this).css('cursor', 'auto');

That is no longer working.
Also the code I have used in the past to make rows clickable used .live() and that is not supported in the new version of jquery. I tried replacing it with .do and it quit working all together.

This seems like some pretty basic stuff. Can anyone suggest where I'm going wrong?

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