Would you please help me. I have this message "No matching records found"
Would you please help me. I have this message "No matching records found"

DataTables debug bookmarklet
Upload complete - debug code: iganes
It seems thatmy json data is ok. I cannot figure out what is wrong. I am newbie in datatables.
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I have solved this, but now I got this message "No data available in table".
So what debugging have you done? Is your getContribuyente.php file doing what you think it's doing? Is there definitely data in the relevant table?
I have checked the json data which is fine. My table has 29 records. I have no errors in the SQL code. I have checked the columns in every row in my table, I have used the same SQL select in a query and it works fine too.
After many failed intents I still have the same message "No matching records found". Please I need your help
While I can't see the exact problem, from the debugger you linked you can see that in the row section there isn't any data. That means that the data isn't getting to datatables. I do see what I believe is you using both legacy code syntax ie 'bServerSide' and current code syntax 'serverSide'. They don't play well together so if you're doing that than pick one and stick with it.
If that's not the problem than you're going to have to give more information / link some code to look over as there isn't much else to go off of.
Remember I am a newbie in jquery ajax and datatables I need all your help, meanwhile I am still reading and learning everything that i could find.
https://github.com/jrcscarrillo/Aurora_Comprobante These 2 files listaContribuyente.html and ./include/getContribuyente.php
Thank you in advance.
I can't help you with Php, I know nothing about it, however I see that you're calling
"sAjaxDataProp": "",
, that's legacy syntax. If you want to use the newest version than I believe you want ajax.dataSrc (which can be seen used here http://datatables.net/reference/option/ajax.dataSrc) Though you're currently calling it with an empty string, and I find it hard to believe that's what you want.The point of AjaxDataProp (and dataSrc since I'm fairly certain they're the same thing) is to tell datatables where in the data that is being fed to it (in this case from the server) to look. The page I linked has a better explination and examples than I can give off the top of my head. That may be where you need to start to get things to work.
So you're aware, if something starts with a letter, and than words, than it is old syntax and you should try and figure out what the new type is. As I said, they don't play well together and will only cause you issues (in my experience anyway).
I am using the server-side ssp.class.php version and now everything is running smoothly.
Thank you for your comments.