DataTables with complex JSON object
DataTables with complex JSON object
Trying to work out how to get DataTables to display the data in my table, the problem i am having is that i can't quite work out how to set up the columns for that JSON object.
NB: I can't change the JSON structure being returned from the backend, i have to live with how it is done.
Anyway, the DataTable is fetching the JSON, i can see it in the Firefox Network inspector as a response.
The JSON is structured as:
{"dsSettings": {
"ttSettings": [
"ID": 1234,
"Setting_Name": "SETTING1",
"Setting_Value": "0.03"
"ResultNum": 2468,
"Setting_Name": "SETTING2",
"Setting_Value": "1"
Trying to work out how to get the 'Setting' and 'Value' to appear in my DataTable.
n/m, worked it out.
Had to set 'dataSrc' in the ajax section to be "dsSettings.ttSettings" and then in the columns section have: { data: "Setting_Name" }, { data: "Setting_Value" }
Thought i had tried that earlier but it was failing, might have missed 1 simple little thing.