Error array

Error array

WelguriWelguri Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I'm using version 1.10.
I used the example of the DataTable to the php.
the example has a structure array with php.

only that when I put this form on my server error:

$ columns = array (
array ('db' => 'name',
'dt' => 2,
'formatter' => function ($ d, $ row) {
               return '<span id="name-'.$row[0].'" data-pk="'.$row[0].'" data-title="Descrição">'. $ d. '</ span> '; }

And when u do not operate normally

$ columns = array (array ('db' => 'id', 'dt' => 0));

And when u do not operate normally
$ columns = array (array ('db' => 'id', 'dt' => 0));

could be the version of PHP?
my version is 5.2.17

I'm using this class
require ('ssp.class.php');

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