fnFilter doesn't work in 1.10
fnFilter doesn't work in 1.10
I have spent some hours trying to figure out why i cannot get fnFilter to work properly. I have a regular select with some options that I want to filter like:
$('#customers').change( function() {
oTable.fnFilter(this.value, 16);
But that won't work since updating to 1.10 and using the responsive plugin. It will search on multiple columns, but not like global search...just a few results. I think the column index gets mixed or something...
Its clear that its the updates that cause the problem because when I switch the jquery.dataTables.min.js to the older one it will work instantly.
Thank you.
It should work just fine, as shown here: http://live.datatables.net/mefosuj/1/edit .
Please link to a test case showing the issue, as required in the forum rules, so we can offer some help.
Also, might be worth checking out the FAQs, particularly the second FAQ.
Hi Allan,
Thank for the reply.
I will try to make a test case....
Note that im using the new responsive plugin for Editor.
Hi again,
I have not been able to upload a test case on this, but I have now come to some conclusions:
When I downgrade the jquery.dataTables.min.js, it all works, so its definately an issue with the new version. I have also tried with DataTables 1.10.2-dev, but no success.
The problem is related to empty columns. I have found a "workaround" by telling DataTables to render blank columns as "  ;" instead.
Thanks for the update. Unfortunately, to be able to help, I would need a test case showing the issue. As I noted above, I provided an example showing it working, so I would need to be able to reproduce the problem to be able to offer any help.