regarding multiple tables and column wise search
regarding multiple tables and column wise search
I ahd 3 tables. I want to imp-lement column wise search in 3 tables. But at a time only one table is displaying based on check box.
$(document).ready(function() {
// Setup - add a text input to each footer cell
$('#dtab tfoot th').each( function () {
var title = $('#dtab thead th').eq( $(this).index() ).text();
$(this).html( '<input type="text" placeholder="Search '+title+'" />' );
} );
// DataTable
$('#dtab').dataTable( {
"sScrollY": "200px",
"bScrollCollapse": true,
"bPaginate": true,
"bJQueryUI": true,
"bAutoWidth": false,
"aoColumns": [
{ sWidth: '9%' },
{ sWidth: '9%' },
{ sWidth: '9%' },
{ sWidth: '9%' },
{ sWidth: '9%' },
} );
var table = $('#dtab').DataTable();
// Apply the search
table.columns().eq( 0 ).each( function ( colIdx ) {
$( 'input', table.column( colIdx ).footer() ).on( 'keyup change', function () {
.column( colIdx )
.search( this.value )
} );
} );
// Setup - add a text input to each footer cell
$('#ptab tfoot th').each( function () {
var title = $('#ptab thead th').eq( $(this).index() ).text();
$(this).html( '<input type="text" placeholder="Search '+title+'" />' );
} );
// DataTable
$('#ptab').dataTable( {
"sScrollY": "200px",
"bScrollCollapse": true,
"bPaginate": true,
"bJQueryUI": true,
"bAutoWidth": false,
} );
var table = $('#ptab').DataTable();
// Apply the search
table.columns().eq( 0 ).each( function ( colIdx ) {
$( 'input', table.column( colIdx ).footer() ).on( 'keyup change', function () {
.column( colIdx )
.search( this.value )
} );
} );
// Setup - add a text input to each footer cell
$('#otab tfoot th').each( function () {
var title = $('#otab thead th').eq( $(this).index() ).text();
$(this).html( '<input type="text" placeholder="Search '+title+'" />' );
} );
// DataTable
$('#otab').dataTable( {
"sScrollY": "200px",
"bScrollCollapse": true,
"bPaginate": true,
"bJQueryUI": true,
} );
var table = $('#otab').DataTable();
// Apply the search
table.columns().eq( 0 ).each( function ( colIdx ) {
$( 'input', table.column( colIdx ).footer() ).on( 'keyup change', function () {
.column( colIdx )
.search( this.value )
} );
} );
} );
I want to make sure the header width and my table data width should be same and it should adjust automatically. what changes i can do in this script