DataTables FixedHeader and Language - Bug?
DataTables FixedHeader and Language - Bug?
I believe I found a bug in DataTables. I didn't find any issues until I started using the FixedHeader extension. Basically, everything was working well until I added the last line of the code below:
T2S.dataTableInitialSettings = {
// "bJQueryUI": true,
"stateSave": true,
"stateDuration": -1,
"language": {
"url": localizationUrl
"order": [[defaultOrderedColumnIndex, "asc"]],
"sPaginationType": "input",
"sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip',
"tableTools": {
"sSwfPath": tableToolsSwfUrl,
"aButtons": [
"sExtends": "xls",
"bFooter": false,
"sTitle": "Lista_DCA_" + new Date().toDateString()
"sExtends": "pdf",
"bFooter": false,
"sPdfOrientation": "landscape",
"sTitle": "Lista_DCA_" + new Date().toDateString()
"sExtends": "print",
"sInfo": "<h6>Vista para Impressão</h6>Imprima através do browser<br />e carregue na tecla \"Esc\" para sair.",
"sToolTip": "",
"sButtonText": "Imprimir"
// "fnInit": function (node) { formatTableToolsButton(node, 'ui-icon-print'); }
var table = $("#" + tableElementId).DataTable(T2S.dataTableInitialSettings);
new $.fn.dataTable.FixedHeader(table);
If I try to localize the table using a URL (that points to a JSON file) and useFixedHeader as well, I am no longer able to sort data, i.e., clicking on the table header has no effect. However, if I don't use the "url" option and write down the translations directly, it works. Is this a bug?