datatable version 1.10.2 - .on() function not supporting for dynamic created tables
datatable version 1.10.2 - .on() function not supporting for dynamic created tables
I am using server side processing datatable in my project and trying to upgrade version 1.9.3 to 1.10.2.
I have to open different grid (table) on clicking of a tree control. So, I use a div as container and create a html table apply datatable on it basis of different request from a tree view.I mean I am generating datatable dynamically and it was working fine with version 1.9.3.
But I am facing a performance issue if I am creating multiple datatable object (even I am destroying every time when open a new one.). I am using oTable.fnDestroy() but I do not understand why datatable is not destroying fully?
So, I decided to check with new version of datatable but after applying new version its throwing error that .on function is undefined.
I check with version 1.9.3, .on function was not used any where.I do some search with Google and found .on function not support for dynamically created elements.
Kindly help
- To destroy datatable fully (No object in memory on cache) in version 1.9.3
- How to resolve .on undefined issue with version 1.10.2
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