TableTools - Always null?
TableTools - Always null?
Posts: 16Questions: 5Answers: 0
I have been unsuccessful in getting TableTools to work.
i have this datatable...
Updates = $('#compliance_updates_list').DataTable({
"sDom": 'R<"H"fr>t<"F"ip>',
"oTableTools": {
"sRowSelect": "single"
"bJQueryUI": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"iDisplayLength": 5,
"aoColumnDefs": [{ "sType": "uk_date", "aTargets": [1] }],
"order": [[ 1, "desc" ]]
But no matter how I try to get a TableTool object it is always null?
TableTools.fnGetInstance( '#compliance_updates_list' );
TableTools.fnGetInstance( 'compliance_updates_list' );
TableTools.fnGetInstance( Updates );
TableTools.fnGetInstance( $('#compliance_updates_list') );
If I console.log(TableTools) I get an object, so the plug-in script has loaded?
Why can't I get a TableTools object for my DataTable?
I solved my current issue by doing it this way
$('#compliance_updates_list tr.selected td:first').html()
So do i need to even bother loading this plug-in when the above does the same job as fnGetData[0] ?
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Have you looked at the example in the docs?
You need to include TableTools in your "dom" initialisation - capital T - and you need to define your path to swf file.
I don't understand your last remark. Are you saying that this
$('#compliance_updates_list tr.selected td:first').attr('data-desc')
is the same as using TableTools?
No, I actually edited my post
As i feel that's more accurate to being on a par...
But what I meant was if I can get the table cell data without using the plug-in, perhaps it isn't necessary. Though that breaks the minute the columns are rearranged, so I guess I need to persevere as I assume the plugin will fix this column switching issue?
I was going to use the data attribute or ID's and JQuery instead, but if this tool resolves all this, then I'd like to get it working.
What I want is to get a particular columns value from a selected row, I can't see any method in the standard DataTable API for doing this?
OK, just been playing with row().data() , but that has the same problem, when the columns are drag/dropped in a different order.
I must be missing some column binding somewhere?
Well I just seem to be going round in circles unable to do this simplest of things, get the cell value of a selected row!
all that gives me is [Object Object]
I can't get the selected row all I ever get is every row? Even when I pass it the node of the selected row
I still just get an array of every row?