Row_Details and Multi_Filter_Select
Row_Details and Multi_Filter_Select
I try to use Multi_Filter_Select with Row_Details (ajax).
We can see the select box but there are no data. It's not possible to use with ajax data.
So i use private server to test:
I have problem with this part of code to get data with the file objects.txt:
"table.column( i ).data().unique().sort().each( function ( d, j ) { //To full the select input. THE PROBLEME: i=column, j=line, d=data
//console.log("i: "+i+" and j: "+j);
select.append( '<option value="'+d+'">'+d+'</option>' )
} );"
Somebody can help me?
I guess you have to populate your select inputs after ajax load event... or you can use my yadcf plugin for that and get all this and more out of the box
Thx for your answer Daniel.
I use finaly PHP to full select but now, i have problem with the serch.
var select = $('<?php echo $sel;?>')
.appendTo( $(this).empty() )
.on( 'change', function () {
var val = $(this).val();
table.column( i )
.search( val ? '^'+$(this).val()+'$' : val, true, false )
} );
} );
Can you help me?
not a php user... sorry...
Ok, but your plugin is really interesting. I will use it in my projet.
The answer is to use initComplete.
Thx to Allan,