Problem here is that window.location.href isn't a function - it's a parameter :-)
Thank should do the trick for you. Might also be worth looking at the console output - or even better run Firebug if you have Firefox, Dragon Fly in Opera, Web Inspector in Safari or enable debugging in IE, these should all throw an error for this case, quickly pin pointing the problem.
Yup - use fnDrawCallback() ( ). This function is run on each table draw, so you can add the event handlers there. The other way is you just $.live().
Thank should do the trick for you. Might also be worth looking at the console output - or even better run Firebug if you have Firefox, Dragon Fly in Opera, Web Inspector in Safari or enable debugging in IE, these should all throw an error for this case, quickly pin pointing the problem.
PS.- Congratulations and thank you, datatables rocks!
Hope that helps,