How to add suggestive search in datatable?

How to add suggestive search in datatable?

Himanshu NigamHimanshu Nigam Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

We have a large dataset to search and also on more than one column. Current implementation using datatable plugin I am able to filter records but search text box does not provide any suggestions. e.g. If I type Application in search box, it provide me options to select search strings like ".... Application Support .... ", "... Application Development ....." etc.
Is it possible to implement above mentioned feature? Appreciate your help.

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  • john_ljohn_l Posts: 45Questions: 0Answers: 12
    Answer ✓

    There might be a third party filter plugin that will do that, but if not, you could build up the filter yourself. You can use the API to get a list of values for the column, and you could then build up a jQuery UI AutoComplete.

  • daniel_rdaniel_r Posts: 460Questions: 4Answers: 67
    Answer ✓

    you can use my yadcf plugin for datatables , one of its 9 different filter types is autocomplete filter see fourth column in the following showcase page (it uses jQuery UI AutoComplete under the hood, so you must include it in your html too)

  • Himanshu NigamHimanshu Nigam Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

    Thanks John and Daniel ... your responses really helped me solving this problem.

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