Data tables not Loading
Data tables not Loading

Hello, I am trying to use datatables but I am seeing the below error in my console.
I am trying to use datatables to make my last 3 columns formatted, I have changed the way I print the headers from TDs, to TH this causes a issue with the formatting of the table but I can fix that if I look into it, but the code it's self just seems to error with this error,
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ext' of undefined
Below is the code I am using and also a photo of the problem, any help with be appreciated.
The code I am using the below code:
Below is in the HTML header
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
This is in the HTML header also, open and closed with php tags.
// DataTables JS for user statistics
print '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="//"></script>';
print '<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = "throw";
"columns": [
{ "orderable": false },
The way I print the table is below:
print"<table id='userstatistics' class='table table-striped'>";
echo "<thead><tr><th> </th><th><h4> Agent </h4></th><th><h4> Tickets Open/New </h4></th><th><h4> Tickets Closed </h4></th></tr></thead>";
print "<tbody>";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
$open_tickets = $row['tickets_open'];
echo "<tr><td><img height='40' width='40' src='{$row['user_photo']}'></td><td>" .$row['user_firstname']. " " .$row['user_surname'].
"</td><td>" .$row['tickets_open']. " ";
if ($open_tickets < $kpi['kpi_tickets_green']) {
echo "<i class=\"fa fa-thumbs-o-up\"></i>";
} elseif ($open_tickets >= $kpi['kpi_tickets_green'] && $open_tickets < $kpi['kpi_tickets_amber']) {
echo "<i class=\"fa fa-thumbs-o-down\"></i>";
} else {
echo "<i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i>";
echo "</td><td>" .$row['tickets_closed']. "</td></tr>";
print "</tbody></table>";
This is the outcome, if you need any more information feel free to ask.
Hmmm, even using this base code, it makes no difference
$(document).ready( function () {
} );
With basic code its also same error?
Aha, the basic code was failing due to a failed GET, this is now resolved. Sorry for the noob quesiton.