Server-Side Paging only paging in one direction.
Server-Side Paging only paging in one direction.
I'm working a data table that is using server side processing. The paging works, but only in one direction. I am using my own data call to POST the request to the server, as I don't control the service that delivers the data.
The issue is that the data.draw
value always increases when clicking any pagination button. If there are 10 pages and I click page 5, it will increase by 1. If I click previous, it will increase by 1. At first I was excited to see the paging work, but shortly realized that it was only working in one direction. :(
Here is the code:
var drawTable2 = function () {
var table = $('#datatable2').DataTable({
"serverSide": true,
"processing": true,
"paging": true,
"pagingType": "full_numbers",
"ajax": dataGetProcess,
"columns": [
{ "data": "", "render": renderCheckBox},
{ "data": "StudentName" },
{ "data": "Item" },
{ "data": "Session" },
{ "data": "Status" }, { "data": "", "render": renderScoreButton }]
var dataGetProcess = function (data, callback, settings) {
var dataSource = '/api/item/list';
var postData = {
"pageNumber": data.draw, //This number is supposed to represent the page that is requested
"pageLength": data.length,
"filters": {
"test-Name": "",
"a-SessionId": "" },
"sortColumn": "Status",
"sortDirection": "DESC" };, postData, function (rdata) {
callback({"draw":postData.pageNumber, "data": rdata.StudentItem, "recordsTotal": rdata.RowCount, "recordsFiltered": rdata.RowCount});
}, 'json');
Any help would be much appreciated.
I'm figured it out.... I thought data.draw was the page number, but there is no page number there is only (data.start / data.length) + 1.
data.draw is the unique identifier given to a specific ajax call.
I wasted like 4 hours.