condition to delete button
condition to delete button

i want to have condition to the delete button. It would be nice if it is activated when a condition is met but otherwise only fires the delete action if condition is met is also good. I tried to make my own delete button but I cannot figure out how actually delete the selected row. For now I came up with:
sExtends: "select_single",
sButtonText: "MyDeleteButton",
fnClick: function( button, config ) {
var nodedata = this.fnGetSelectedData();
var status = nodedata[0].standuser.Status;
if (status === '2'){
//delete te row
If I put a alert in the if statement, it displayes the alart on the right rows. Now the delete action.....
Hope anybody can help me out with this one.
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You could use:
(Assuming you are using Editor?).
Thank you Allen. Yes, i'm using editor.
Should I use your code inside my if statement?
If I do that, i receive the following error:
TypeError: this.i18n[this.s.action] is undefined
label: this.i18n[ this.s.action ].submit,
It 'works' if i have also the original delete button in place, click on it, cancel the delete action and then click on my delete button.
My code now:
never mind! This worked! Thanks!