How to use editor in JSON object for CRUD operation?code attached below.

How to use editor in JSON object for CRUD operation?code attached below.

Rajiv687053Rajiv687053 Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
var editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
                                         "ajax": "/api/staff",
                                         "table": "#MangerGrid",
                                         fields: [
                                            { label: "Manager Enterprise Id:", name: "MEid" },
                                            { label: "Domain:", name: "MFA" }


             //Bind Managers Gried

             function bindManagerGried() {
                     "dataType": 'json',
                     "contentType": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                     "type": "GET",
                     "url": "http://p2b-429sx9s/sites/coxspa/_layouts/AddResourceWebPart/CoxTimeEntryWebService.asmx/GetManagers",
                            function (msg) {
                                var str = msg.d;
                                var json = eval('(' + str + ')');
                                $("*[id$='tdManager']").html('<table id="MangerGrid" class="display" style="width: 100%;"></table>');
                                    "sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip',
                                    "oLanguage": {
                                        "sZeroRecords": "No records to display",
                                        "sSearch": "Search"
                                    "bProcessing": true,
                                    "bPaginate": true,
                                    "sPaginationType": "simple",
                                    "scrollCollapse": false,
                                    "aaData": json.aaData,

                                    "aoColumns": [
                                        { "sTitle": "Manager Enterprise Id", "sClass": "alignCenter" },
                                        { "sTitle": "Domain", "sClass": "alignCenter" }
                                     "tableTools": {
                                    "sRowSelect": "single",
                                    "aButtons": [
                                                { "sExtends": "editor_create", "editor": editor },
                                                { "sExtends": "editor_edit", "editor": editor },
                                                { "sExtends": "editor_remove","editor": editor }

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