How do I add parameters to an ajax call to an webservice in DataTables 1.10?

How do I add parameters to an ajax call to an webservice in DataTables 1.10?

uweschuwesch Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited December 2014 in Free community support

I have been using DataTables for a while and it is a great and very powerful tool. Currently I am updating from version 1.9 to 1.10.4 and for the most part this is going well but in places where I am replacing "fnServerData" with "ajax" AND need to pass parameters I am not able to get the result returned. I am adding 2 samples below, one when no parameter is used (this works!) and one where a parameter needs to be passed (this does NOT work in the new version 1.10 as displayed here).

DataTables 1.9 (NO parameters)
window.oSomeDataTables = $('#SomeDataTables').dataTable({
    "sDom": 'fplr<"clear">ti',
    "bProcessing": true,
    "bAutoWidth": false,
    "aoColumns": [{ "sTitle": "Name", "sWidth": "160px", "sClass": "left", "bSortable": true },
        { "sTitle": "Id", "sWidth": "160px", "sClass": "left", "bSortable": true }],
    "fnServerParams": function (aoData) {
        aoData.push({});                   // no parameters
    "sAjaxSource": "DashService.asmx/GetSomeJsonString", 
    "fnInitComplete": function () {
        // do something
    "fnServerData": function (sSource, aoData, fnCallback) {
            "dataType": 'json',
                "type": "POST",
            "url": sSource,
            "data": aoData,
            "success": function (json) {
DataTables 1.10.4 (NO parameters)
window.oSomeDataTables = $('#SomeDataTables').dataTable({
    "dom": 'fplrti',
    "processing": true,
    "autoWidth": false,
    "columns": [{ "title": "Name", "width": "160px", "className": "left", "orderable": true },
        { "title": "Id", "width": "160px", "className": "left", "orderable": true }],
    "initComplete": function () {
        // do something
    "ajax": {              
        type: "POST",
        url: "DashService.asmx/GetSomeJsonString"
DataTables 1.9 (WITH parameters)
window.oSomeOtherDataTables = $('#SomeOtherDataTables').dataTable({
    "sDom": 'fplr<"clear">ti',
    "bProcessing": true,
    "bAutoWidth": false,
    "aoColumns": [{ "sTitle": "Name", "sWidth": "160px", "sClass": "left", "bSortable": true },
                { "sTitle": "Id", "sWidth": "160px", "sClass": "left", "bSortable": true }],
    "fnServerParams": function (aoData) {
        aoData.push({ "name": "code", "value": $.Code });       // passing the param
    "sAjaxSource": "DashService.asmx/GetSomeOtherJsonString", 
    "fnInitComplete": function () {
        // do something
    "fnServerData": function (sSource, aoData, fnCallback) {
            "dataType": 'json',
            "type": "POST",
            "url": sSource,
            "data": aoData,
            "success": function (json) {
DataTables 1.10.4 (WITH parameters)
window.oSomeOtherDataTables = $('#SomeOtherDataTables').dataTable({
    "dom": 'fplrti',
    "processing": true,
    "autoWidth": false,
    "columns": [{ "title": "Name", "width": "160px", "className": "left", "orderable": true },
        { "title": "Id", "width": "160px", "className": "left", "orderable": true }],
    "initComplete": function () {
        // do something
        "ajax": {              
        type: "POST",
        url: "DashService.asmx/GetSomeOtherJsonString",
        data: "{'code': '" + $.Code + "'}"                  // THIS DOES NOT WORK !!!

asp.Net Web Method returning SomeOtherJsonString = { "data": [["FirstName","FirstId"],...,["LastName","LastId"]] }
        [ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = false, XmlSerializeString = true, ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
        public void GetSomeOtherJsonString(string code)
        var SomeOtherJsonString = "{ \"data\": [";                          // start DataTables JSON Formatting
            // get the Json string: 
            SomeOtherJsonString = string.Concat(SomeOtherJsonString, "] }");    // finish DataTables JSON Formatting

For now I can keep it working by mixing the old with the new API. What am I missing here where I am passing the parameters?

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