jquery dataTables warning: table id=IDtableU - Requested unknown parameter '0' for row 0
jquery dataTables warning: table id=IDtableU - Requested unknown parameter '0' for row 0
This is my first time using jquery dataTable pulg-in and I am facing an issue that I can't understand. I am using the server side configuration with JEE servlet. The problem that I get this error message: DataTables warning: table id=IDtableU - Requested unknown parameter '0' for row 0.
this is my dataTable initialisation:
"bServerSide": true, // use server side processing
"sAjaxSource": "/OCSReportingTool/updateuser",//the servlet
"bProcessing": true, // display processing message while fetching
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"bJQueryUI": true,
{ "type_U": "Account type" },
{ "SAMAccName_U": "User Name" },
{ "statusAD":"Status in AD"},
{ "statusDB":"Status in DB"},
{ "department":"Department"},
{ "cc":"Cost Center"},
]// mapping table coloumns with properties in json objects
<table id=IDtableU>
<th>User Name </th>
<th>Account type </th>
<th>Department </th>
<th>Cost Center </th>
<th>Status in AD </th>
<th>Status in DB </th>
this JSON data sent back from the server (I used firebug to find the server response)
Datatables seems that it has parsed the result and it has successfully get "iTotalDisplayRecords' and 'iTotalRecords" but I get this error message:table id=IDtableU - Requested unknown parameter '0' for row 0 . Please I need your help, I have spent 2 days without fixing the problem it drives me crazy
You need to use
to tell DataTables which data property from the objects belong to each column.Allan