Include dataTable with related info in Editor window

Include dataTable with related info in Editor window

n.stuckeyn.stuckey Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

My Case:

I have a list of clients and each client can have multiple devices. This is stored in two tables Client and Device and related on Client.ID = Device.ClientID. Each table is complex and has many details about its own object.

Simplified Example:

clients: [
  { id:1, name:'Joe', phone:'555-1212', userType:'Admin'},
  { id:2, name:'Sally', phone:'555-1212', userType:'User'}
devices: [
  {id:1, clientID: 1, type:'iPad'},
  {id:2, clientID: 1, type:'Android'},
  {id:3, clientID: 2, type:'WinPhone'}


What I would like to do is first show a table of the clients, then when a client is edited (thus the Editor window appears) I would like to show the editable fields of the client AND show a table with that clients devices. The devices tables should also be editable as well.

I'm open on the style of either table and the Editor window. So inline editing, bubble editing, or even the style of this nifty (example)[] are fine.

Has anyone tackled this or considered it?

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