Is it possible to remove columns from query string for server side processing?

Is it possible to remove columns from query string for server side processing?

teatimeteatime Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

While useful to be be able to send all the parameters for searching and sorting listed here:

The query string can end up quite large and in my current application I only require the draw, start, length, search[value] and order[i] parameters.

So the main question is, is it possible to toggle the inclusion of columns[i] on/off to reduce the data sent to server?
If not, does anybody know if the request can be intercepted to strip it from the query string?

I guess another logical step to this, would be to allow the client to use the available data to build a custom query string to work with generic web API end points.

By the way thanks for providing such a great tool!

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