Value not showing up in table, but showing up in drop down box
Value not showing up in table, but showing up in drop down box
Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0
The drop box shows up when I click on the field, but doesn't show up in the table.
Any ideas on whats causing this? The drop down boxes once I select them display the correct values but they aren't showing up on the table unless I click on them.
Editor::inst( $db, 'invoices' )
Field::inst( '' )->validator( 'Validate::notEmpty' )->validator( 'Validate::numeric' ),
Field::inst( 'invoices.client_id')
->options( function () use ( $db ) {
// Use `selectDistinct` to get the full list of names from the
// database and then concatenate the first and last names
$userList = $db->selectDistinct( 'contacts', 'id, first_name, last_name', null, 'last_name ASC' );
$out = array();
while ( $row = $userList->fetch() ) {
$out[] = array(
"value" => $row['id'],
"label" => $row['first_name'].' '.$row['last_name']
return $out;
} ),
Field::inst( 'contacts.first_name' ),
Field::inst( 'contacts.last_name' ),
Field::inst( 'invoices.description' ),
Field::inst( '' )
->validator( 'Validate::dateFormat', array(
"format" => Format::DATE_ISO_8601,
"message" => "Please enter a date in the format yyyy-mm-dd"
) )
->getFormatter( 'Format::date_sql_to_format', Format::DATE_ISO_8601 )
->setFormatter( 'Format::date_format_to_sql', Format::DATE_ISO_8601 )
->leftJoin( 'contacts', '', '=', 'invoices.client_id' )
->process( $_POST )
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" class="init">
var editor; // use a global for the submit and return data rendering in the examples
$(document).ready(function() {
editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
ajax: "{{ URL::to('php/invoices.php') }}",
table: "#example",
fields: [ {
label: "Client Name:",
name: "invoices.client_id",
type: "select"
}, {
label: "Description:",
name: "invoices.description"
}, {
label: "Start date:",
name: "",
type: "date"
} );
// Activate an inline edit on click of a table cell
$('#example').on( 'click', 'tbody td:not(:first-child)', function (e) {
editor.inline( this );
} );
$('#example').DataTable( {
dom: "Tfrtip",
ajax: "{{ URL::to('php/invoices.php') }}",
columns: [
{ data: null, defaultContent: '', orderable: false },
{ data: "" },
data: "invoices.client_id",
render: function ( val, type, row ) {
return val.first_name ?
val.first_name +' '+ val.last_name :
defaultContent: ""
{ data: "invoices.description" },
{ data: "" },
order: [ 1, 'asc' ],
tableTools: {
sRowSelect: "os",
sRowSelector: 'td:first-child',
aButtons: [
{ sExtends: "editor_create", editor: editor },
{ sExtends: "editor_edit", editor: editor },
{ sExtends: "editor_remove", editor: editor }
} );
} );
This discussion has been closed.
Figured it out.
data: "invoices.client_id"
should be
data: "contacts",
However, I can't get the drop box anymore to select the contact. Any idae?