error : s.nTHead is null

error : s.nTHead is null

alexalfaalexalfa Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

Hello, I have an error that comes when I call the following code and I do not know where it can come but what I do not understand is that on another html page I call the same code and it makes me the data table that I want without error, but this page it gives me the error. I want to say that I call the jquery and Datatable.js like this

<script src = "../../ js / js_global / datatable / jquery.js"> </ script>
<script src = "../../ js / js_global / datatable / jquery.dataTables.js" type = "text / javascript"> </ script>
<script src = "../../ js / js_global / datatable / dataTables.fixedColumns.js" type = "text / javascript"> </ script>
and css <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "../../ css / datatable / jquery.dataTables.css">
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "../../ css / datatable / dataTables.fixedColumns.css">

in the same order as the other page.
If pourait help. best regards.

var tablet = $('#'+nomReq).DataTable( {
scrollY: "600px",
scrollX: true,
scrollCollapse: true,
paging: false,
} );
new $.fn.dataTable.FixedColumns( tablet, {
leftColumns: 4
} );

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