In line Etid Submit
In line Etid Submit
Hello Allan.
In a table called "users" there is a field "password".
In the Editor I use : Field::inst( 'password' )->validator( 'Validate::notEmpty' )->setFormatter( function ( $val, $data, $opts ) { return md5( $val );} ), to maintain encrypded passwords.
But when I make edit in an other field, submited the full line (every one field) and as result I have to the password field the md5'ed value of previus md5'ed value. [original value : demo - encrypted value : fe01ce2a7fbac8fafaed7c982a04e229 - reEncrypted value : 6c5ac7b4d3bd3311f033f971196cfa75].
Can you please gide me to right direction?
This looks like a duplicate of the discussion here.