Many checkbox on a row
Many checkbox on a row

in TableTools
I'm french sory for my english.
I use Datatable Editor, i have read the example for use One checkbox (active).
But i want use many checkbox on my row. The JS read the row and if ( == 1) all the checkbox are checked.
I want separate data .
have you examples for datatble editor with 2 checkbox in the same row. I need only JS , the php/html is OK.
thanks a lot.
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Is it this example you are referring to, or a different one?
Yes it is this example.
i have tried to put many checkbox in the same line but without success .
when i checked one checkbow, all the line is checked.
Can you show me the code that you used please? I presume that you have duplicated (and then modified the duplicated code to be unique) for the drawing of the checkboxes and the event handlers?
ahah, yes i'm not amazing in javascript.
my part of html ( i show only interessant part)
My part of php :
and finaly my part of JS who is wrong :
The problem is with the
class. You need a separate class for each field so they can each be addressed individually.For example you might have
for one of the fields.Then in the
you would have:And also an event handler for it:
Do the same for the
field (i.e. have its own class).Allan
Okay i try to follow u'r advice, yesterday i have tried to modify class for each field, and i have replace row by data, but i have forgotten to modify the event handler.
I hold you aware of Advanced emon
Great ! its ok ( i have modify u'r code)
$('input.editor-pcb', data).prop( 'checked', data.pcb == 1 );
$('input.editor-pcb', row).prop( 'checked', data.pcb == 1 );
I'm sory i'm confused whith active class, in my head its just for "enabled the line checkbox"
Thanks a lot, amazing plugin, amazing support ,and very quickly .
Have a good day Allan.
Good to hear you've got it working now :-)
Hum last question, when i check ( the post data is submit) but when i dechecked just after check , no data submit. i'm obliged to checked in the other line, for that.
I use Google Chrome for my tests
i have found the problem.
editor-inline, and editor with checkbox dont run, we cant check/decheck . So i have add
// Activate an inline edit on click of a table cell
$('#suivi').on( 'click', 'tbody td:not(:first-child,"editor-diel","editor-pcb","editor-pack1","editor-hydr","editor-gd","editor-tf","editor-tgd") ', function (e) {
editor.inline( this );
} );
and now its perfect.
Can you link me to the page you are working on so I can take a look?
Is an Ajax request made when you uncheck the box?Remember that unchecked === no data for checkboxes.
When i check a checkbox , then tried to uncheck, no ajax request transmited .
I'm obliged for cast the ajax request , to click in other lines, then uncheck after my checkbox .
When i have desactivate editor-inline , all fine .
So i have add in the td:not my classe of my cells who contains checkbox.
I have no links for u . But i can send by mails folders or shelters in the cloud.
Yes please, can you reply to my e-mail from earlier today so I can take a look at your very latest code to see what is happening.