Responsive Mode auto-expands the hidden fields when I click a button

Responsive Mode auto-expands the hidden fields when I click a button

plcplc Posts: 22Questions: 4Answers: 0


I have a datatable with 7 columns. In the first column is an [Edit] button. In the mobile view, 3 columns are displayed and the remainder available by clicking the [+] button.

When a user clicks the [Edit] button, the [+] button also appears to be clicked at the same time and thus several rows of column data appear before the form is converted to the Edit view.

Does anyone know how to have a button in the first column which doesn't force the DataTables [+] button to auto-expand the hidden fields?

Many Thanks.


  • plcplc Posts: 22Questions: 4Answers: 0

    I've been able to sort this by adding OnClientClick code which calls event.stopPropagation(); This stops the click event from bubbling up to the parent container forcing DataTables to think that I want to auto-expand the first column and display the hidden columns.

    Hope this helps somebody out there.

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