Doing a shift select, Tabletools not working
Doing a shift select, Tabletools not working
I am currently working on dataTables. This is the first time I am working with them. I have function to initialize the dataTable, I have my Tabletools.js included in my jsp page. I gave the Tabletools in dataTable function(I only need multiple row selection with shift ) as follows:
tableTools: {
"sRowSelect": "os"
I am trying to do a shift select on my dataTable rows, this is not working. Did I miss anything ? Is there a way to do shift select on columns instead of rows ? if, so how to do it. If not through Tabletools, is there any other way to do shift select on only columns for dataTables. Currently I can select multiple rows and sinlge row in my dataTable but I want to Shift select rows/columns in the dataTable. Please help me this.
Please link to a test page showing the issue (as per the forum rules) so we can help to debug and resolve the issue.
//Initialization of datatable
function dT() {
// i have three tabs - in tab one I will display onedatatable
// on tab two another datatable
//on tab three another datatable
// i have included only srowselect because I wanted only my rows to be selected on shift select. I saw a row selector on specific cells - but did not understand how can I apply on columns in a datatable so tried srowselect: os to test whether I could select my rows on shift select or not.
var dtable = $('#Tableone').DataTable({
// in my table.jsp - these are the files I have included i my jsp page.
below is thelink to tabletools js i have included
Can you please link to the page you are working on, or create a page showing the problem using , JSFiddle, CodePen or any other site.